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Before being a painter and ped­a­gogue, Michel Touret is an atten­tive and gen­er­ous human being. Initially, he ‘com­mu­ni­cates’ with the trainee through active and sen­si­tive lis­ten­ing, thus encour­ag­ing the expres­sion of dif­fi­cul­ties and needs. Thus he man­ages to ‘meet’ the per­son, exact­ly where the block­age is, that is to say, in an inte­ri­or place which is per­son­al to her/him and often has its own sto­ry. Then only work may start, which will always be a ‘per­son­al­ized’ strat­e­gy. He then brings his tech­ni­cal com­pe­tence, pre­cise and prac­ti­cal, nev­er fail­ing to accom­pa­ny the trainee with his dis­creet and atten­tive presence.

He knows how to com­ply with rhythms of ener­gy ema­nat­ing from this work and pro­pos­es solu­tions to per­son­al ques­tions. His teach­ing would nev­er be summed up in a writ­ten pro­gram, since it lies beyond indi­vid­u­al­iza­tion. This is the crux of its speci­fici­ty and richness.

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