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My research is more and more orien­ted towards the open door of the moment and of what is there without a conscious inter­ven­tion of thought, rea­so­ning or men­tal construc­tion. On my can­vases unfolds “what is hap­pe­ning” once for all. I feel very stron­gly the need to dis­co­ver what is hap­pe­ning in the unk­nown. It opens us to our own roots and our belon­ging, to the root of the uni­verses that bind us to what is.

Indeed, a pain­ting is the result of a sequence of present moments, but my sub­ject is always the present moment. So I conti­nue to open this door and stare at what hap­pens, dis­co­ver the unfor­mu­la­ted. A snap­shot belongs to the field of com­pu­ters and manu­fac­tu­red life (arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence). The present moment is in the realm of life.

My pain­ting is an impul­sive pain­ting. My choice of colors, ges­tures, eve­ry­thing is impul­sive. Everything is born of an impulse. I first have a sur­face that gets into my eye, then a color that calls me, the ges­tures hap­pen ; a first pro­po­sal fits in again cal­ling for a new sur­face, new colors, new ges­tures and so on until it forms a whole. The act of pain­ting ends by itself.

The sur­face of the can­vas calls, I ans­wer this call by pain­ting until it is silent. Then it is the spec­ta­tor who receives what is. This one becomes the recei­ver of what hap­pens in this pain­ting. This is a pre­di­ca­tive sta­te­ment. The cur­rent flows or it doesn’t.

➡ To acquire works from this gal­le­ry, consult the cata­logue.

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