My research is more and more oriented towards the open door of the moment and of what is there without a conscious intervention of thought, reasoning or mental construction. On my canvases unfolds “what is happening” once for all. I feel very strongly the need to discover what is happening in the unknown. It opens us to our own roots and our belonging, to the root of the universes that bind us to what is.
Indeed, a painting is the result of a sequence of present moments, but my subject is always the present moment. So I continue to open this door and stare at what happens, discover the unformulated. A snapshot belongs to the field of computers and manufactured life (artificial intelligence). The present moment is in the realm of life.
My painting is an impulsive painting. My choice of colors, gestures, everything is impulsive. Everything is born of an impulse. I first have a surface that gets into my eye, then a color that calls me, the gestures happen ; a first proposal fits in again calling for a new surface, new colors, new gestures and so on until it forms a whole. The act of painting ends by itself.
The surface of the canvas calls, I answer this call by painting until it is silent. Then it is the spectator who receives what is. This one becomes the receiver of what happens in this painting. This is a predicative statement. The current flows or it doesn’t.
➡ To acquire works from this gallery, consult the catalogue.